Tuesday, July 26, 2016

PC Profile: Benby Songbrook - the High Elf Sorcerer

Benby Songbrook the High Elf Sorcerer 
Male high elf wild mage sorcerer 5
Age 125 Size Medium Height 5'11" Weight 158 lbs
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic. Background: Soldier. Faction: Harpers
AL CG HD 5 (1d6) hp 32
Initiative +2 Speed 30 ft. AC 12 (unamored)
Proficiency bonus +3

Abilities: Str 8 (-1) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)

Melee: longsword (atk +1, dmg 1d8-1 / 1d10-1 slashing), dagger (finesse, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 piercing).

Ranged: sling (range 30/120, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 bludgeoning), dagger (range 20/60, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 piercing).

Saving throws: Str-1 Dex+2 Con+4 Int+1 Wis+0 Cha+4

Racial features: Darkvision 60', immune to magical sleep, advantage with save vs. charm, trance (4 hours),
Class and background features: Spellcasting, wild magic surge, tides of chaos, military rank
Weapon proficiency: Longsword, shortsword, longbow, shortbow, dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Armor proficiency: None
Tool proficiency: Dragon dice, land vehicles
Feats: Empower spell, twin spell, healer

Spell slots: 4 / 3 / 2
Spells known:
Cantrips - acid splash, poison spray, chill touch, mage hand, true strike, light (Int)
1st - magic missile, burning hands, witch bolt
2nd - web, enhance ability
3rd - fireball
Spell save DC: 13 (8 + proficiency bonus + Cha modifier)
Spell attack modifier: +5
Sorcery points: 5
Metamagic feats: empower spell (cost: 1 sorcery points), twin spell (cost: sorcery points equal to spell level)

Equipment: longsword, daggers (x3), sling (with 20 bullets), arcane focus (wand), healer's kit (8 uses), dungeoneer's pack, insignia of rank, Harper pin, bone dice, one set of common clothes, belt pouch (238 gp, 11 sp), two toy soldiers (one with a missing head).
Background and tactics:

Belbenthalas Songbrook looks somewhat large for a full-blooded elf. He stands 5'11", weighs around 160 lbs, has pale skin and blond hair. People meeting Benby for the first time are drawn to his eyes, which are deep green orbs flecked with gold. He dresses more like a merchant than either a soldier or a mage.

Benby was born into a well-to-do family, a long and accomplished line of military men and women. He says he is a descendant of the Golden General, Lauralanthalasa "Laurana" Kanan, and is the reason he is attracted to the military and adventuring life. Despite his youth and lack of physical training, Benby secured an officer-level position in an elite elven army team with the help of his parents' connections. He thinks he is better at the longsword than he really is. And although he is a talented spellcaster, his reputation is due largely to the surges of wild magic that arise whenever he casts his more advanced spells. During his first mission, he led a troop of arcane archers and was ambushed by four giants. He cast witch bolt and missed, but it triggered his wild magic surge which killed all the giants in a spectacular fusillade of lightning bolts from the sky. He was quick to take credit for this outcome, of course.

During his last mission, he led a troop of elven fighter-mages to rescue a team of healers from a gang of bandits. He cast burning hands as his troop descended on the bandits' camp, but this triggered a chain of wild magic surges that killed everyone--bandits, soldiers, healers, and innocent forest creatures--except Benby, who arrived home with skin a vibrant shade of blue.

Nowadays, Benby is brooding and withdrawn and struggles with anxiety and self-doubt. During encounters, he usually hangs back and lets the sturdier fighters engage the opponents in melee. He prefers using his acid splash, poison spray, and magic missile spells in the relative safety of the sidelines. He casts empowered witch bolt and fireball spells on particularly powerful opponents, but becomes visibly nervous when the wind picks up around him, fearing another wild magic surge.

*image https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546061523542753237/*

Thursday, July 21, 2016

PC Profile: Obedias Sin - Last Son of Romm

Character Profile: Obedias Sin, 30, 4ft, 45lbs
Race: Halfling
Profession: Criminal/Assassin

Excerpts from CoS Hardcover:

A high ranking minion of Strahd was keeping eye on our little halfling and wants to turn him over to Strahds side. The minion kidnaps an ally of Obedias, and forces him to join their side. As proof of this the minion wants Obedias to kill the gang.

Celes, tarou, ozy, benby. Everybody

It was like obed's first kill... His own brothers.

Romm, the slayer of kings is his father. And Romm was obsessed with creating the perfect assassin... Just like him. He had 7 sons. Obedias was the youngest. Romm trained them all in the art of death dealing. Romm was vicious and cruel, but in each other's company the brothers found peace.
Eventually they grew to be the best of the best.
But till the end their father did not let them kill. He had something far worse in mind. Romm placed each of his sons under a powerful spell. A geas. To force them to kill each other or die if they refused.

They had till the end of the night...

Unwilling to end each of their siblings life, the brothers thought of ways around the situation. They became desperate. They fought amongst themselves, until the eldest son thought of a way out... They couldn't kill each other, and the spell would kill them all if more than one survived the night... The group reached a consensus...

They save one

Obedias Sin.
Youngest son of Romm

One by one his brothers bid their beloved bunso good bye. Bidding him the best. To brush his teeth. To find a girl he could love with all his heart. And to kill their demon father. They then all fell to their own blades. As the first light of dawn breaks the darkness, only a single sound could be heard in the heart of the forest. The cries of a young boy wailing in despair. The halfling boy, born in blood, Obedias Sin, last son of Romm.

He snaps back into the present as he drags himself into their room in the inn. Everybody was there, except Aramil.... The cursed vampire has him hostage...

Celes, in the corner drinking her tea. Taytay trying on her new dress, tarou and ozy on the table near the fire place discussing their plans looking for the lady in red, and benby trying to memorize a new spell...

*It would be kill or be killed* he thought to himself...

*It would be easier if I killed tarou and ozy first... The others wouldn't even see me coming*

Then Obedias remembers the time they had together...
Celes' awkward hug telling him that there is more to life than whoring, tarou's bossiness, his drunk times with ozy, the time he hid beneath benbies clothes'....

He clenched his fist tight... He couldn't do it...

Obedias walks out of the inn to meet up with the forces of Strahd to talk. He says he'd do it. He'd kill the gang. But only if they give him the pleasure of killing Aramil himself. They agreed. They left Aramil to him, but Obedias let him escape. He knew they couldn't escape both with such overwhelming odds. So Obedias stayed to distract them. They laughed at obed. A halfling vs a horde of vamps. They mocked him telling him that what he did was useless. They would turn him into a vampyr and make him watch as they killed everyone of his friends. A millennia or two. Obed would not even remember his friends

He wouldn't even remember his name.

Obedias laughed at this and this thought.
He smiles at his captors... And draws his weapon...
He shouts with a mighty voice against the forces of the undead " NOW, MY DEBT IS REPAID!"

Obedias stabs himself in the neck and slices his own neck.
Obedias drops his torch onto himself... And the oil Obedias doused himself in starts to burn his small body.

The vampyr relents... They wouldn't be able to do anything to save the body... They leave the charred remains of Obedias Sin on the snow... Pissed by the thought that a halfling has gotten the better of them , they return to whatever dark depths they crawled out off...

... But this is not where the story of our halfling ends.

*image http://wiki.fallensword.com/index.php/Halfling_Rogue*

PC Profile: Ozymandias - The Half Orc Pirate

Character Profile: Ozymandias, 30, 6ft 2, 220lbs with scar in the right eye
Race: Half Orc
Profession: Pirate Sailor

Born and raised in a poor Half-Orc settlement near Luksan on Sword Coast North by the sea. His parents were menial laborers working for a sea merchant in Luksan. His parents gave him a very noble human name as they do have high hopes for him to have a better future. He became a sailor at a very young age in a merchant ship. Due to the discrimination usually associated with Orcs and others with Orcish origins, his heritage and not to mention his foolishness, he earned a reputation of being a brawler and a street thug. At the sea however, He found freedom from all of the things he knew and loved it fiercely. A mercenary swashbuckler captain, who was also employed by the merchant to guard his ships, saw a potential in him and agreed to train him in the art of sword-fighting. A decade past and the captain on his last contract with the merchant, came upon a raid from pirates sulking the Luksan coast. Both the captain and Ozymandias, now a more bulkier and a more experienced sword-fighter sailor, tried defending the Ship but was overwhelmed by the pirates nevertheless. After plundering the ship, The Pirate captain tried to convince Ozymandias to join their crew, seeing that he could use a half orc pirate who can properly handle a sword. When he refused, the Pirate captain killed all the crew and passengers of the ship. Killing his captain last and left him tied up the ship's mast to die as fire engulfs the ship. He was able to escape just in time and survived by swimming in the middle of the sea all the way to the coast. Ever since then he was on a mission to find who that pirate captain is, even joining a new pirate crew in an off chance to find the Pirate captain and finally exact his revenge.

He is really easy to get along, even easier if offered a drink. He does not retreat in overwhelming odds and always finds a way to stay alive despite unfavorable circumstances.  

Then the mist came while he was in a middle of a brawl and ended up in the basement in Barovia (dun dun dun...)

*image https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Half-Orc*

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

DDAL 04-04 The Marionette – “Glovia, Stop killing the kids you sick beautiful bastard!” Session #2 (6 hours)

*Spoilers* for DDAL 04-04 The Marionette. Special Thanks to Sir JB for the Awesome DM and the not so awesome natural 20's from you!

Ozymandias – The six foot two, 220 lbs. Half Orc pirate who loves to drink, whore and smash anyone and anything, not necessarily in that order. 

Tarou - The six foot flat commander of the recently formed town militia of Orasnou. Whose membership numbers can be determined separately during the day and night. Master of his Polearm and his Whip of Warning. (You can watch him whip it every thursday nights)

Obedias Sin - The 4 foot tall, all 40++ lbs. of badass halfling assassin who takes on enemies triple his weight and double his height. His kills are stuffs which legends are made.

Benby - the five foot eleven high elf sorcerer, who’s wild magic has, believe it or not, kept us alive this whole time. (Thank the percentile gods for that one) Also provides more suspense than a werewolf encounter. 

Gwyzsar - Nobody knows the Drow. He is the personification where mystery is made off... like butternut donuts or play dough. Probably think of Drizzt Do'Urden and that is it. Recently acquired the wolfskin cap so he could probably be anyone by now. 

Taytay - The five foot eight human bombshell dubbed as 'the most beautiful devil warlock' in Barovia. With Tentacles to boot! Those Eldritch arms!!


"I can't believe we took turns hitting on that lady! God damn it! Why are all the beautiful women here in Barovia either bat-shit crazies or whores?" Ozymandias asked Tarou and Obedias as they are standing outside Falinescu Mansion. 

Sums up the feelings of all male adventurers inside Barovia.

Falinescu Mansion

I never would have it either way. That mansion was just too perfect for the scenery inside the world of Barovia. The dark skies, the dilapidated plants, the not too old and not too rotten tombstones, the broken windows in all places, the uneven yard and even that freakin’ sound of wolf (or werewolves) howls fits the scene of Count Dracula of yesteryear's past perfectly.

Here we are, the 6 of us adventurers who just an hour before, rescued poor Orasnou square from the dreaded firebomb attacks of that undead Lazlo. Obedias and Benby even managed to kill off 4 zombies in 5 rounds flat before it could even eat one civilian (OLEG says thanks). To say the least, the adventurers are pumped, blood-lusted and so eager to rescue poor little Sorina from being Glovia's new little baby.

The party started entering the Falinescu Masion with Tarou and Ozy in front, Benby and Taytay in the middle, and Obedias with Gwyzar at the rear. One step from Tarou inside the mansion and we are reminded why we should always be pessimistic. This is Barovia after all, we should never forget. Together with Ozy and Benby, Tarou falls down the basement. (What mansion in Barovia doesn’t have a basement?) Still moving in formation the party noticed 3 caskets and of course decides to poke them. (Disclaimer: this particular party loves to poke things around, even for their own detriment, as long as the promise of treasure is there) Lo and behold a Mimic enters the initiative roll and sucks in Ozymandias with love and acid until he's down to almost unbearable HP (all while balancing in a submerged piano to boot). After a lot of pepper from the party the Mimic goes down. (thank lathander) 

As this was going on, good little Taytay decides to open the next room behind her and Isabella suddenly decided it was the perfect time to show up her Harvey Dentsque impersonation and thus, Inciting horror checks from the party (nothing serious, just running around knocking down stuff). From this moment on, every door, every pantry and every bathroom sink and tub is a chance encounter with that horror excuse of a little child ghost. 

The party then advances to the now empty servant's dormitory and what do you think welcomes them? Of course more ghouls!!! (4 of them). Well, a party of bad ass adventurers against only 4 ghouls? Of course it was easy peachy. Tarou slashes the first one cleanly in two, Gwyzsar hitting the second right in the eye socket,  Taytay used a god knows what? (A tentacle from the looks of it) to kill off another and finally, Ozymandias slew the last one with his rapier after trying for the nth time to shield bash the damn thing. (I swear to god these ghouls stands up like Ali in a boxing match or Micheal Jackson when he's alone with kids) After that 'uneventful' encounter, the party checked each room in the servant's quarters and was surprised that the cleanest among all of them was the lavatory (who knew?)

Little Ozy after the last ghoul fight

We agreed to take a breather here to lick our wounds and set our bearings straight. (by this time the DM already got a couple of 20's on us) Taytay used the lavatory to polish herself back (probably to get that last tentacle slime cleaned off), Benby sat on one corner looking at his scrolls to memorize, Gwyzsar trying to spit clean his wolf-skin cap and begins a magic show of putting his cap on and off in the process.

Not to be the one loitering around inside a house full of horrors, the Barovian league of extraordinary gentlemen (and women) continue their journey up the stairs though the main floor level. Entering a very awful and eerily familiar room. Isabella again decides to suddenly appear with a slightly more horrible washed up mantle with falling eye sockets (WTF Isabella!!!), (Which Tarou recognized as the seance room in session #1) Benby remembered his fecal eating tendencies, Tarou and Obedias remembered their impulse to cry like a bitch about everything all the while Ozy, Gwyzsar and Taytay looked curiously on. This apparently was enough to send these brave souls running out of the room and going straight to the adjacent room. 

What received them there was a bench bed of dilapidated horrors no one should see in their entire life. Rows upon rows of broken toys and other broken machinations which will provide nightmares for months on end (if you are afraid of eerie toys and dolls), along also are four nasty smelling, god forsaken, foul facing friends of Isabella who apparently wants to party. Of course the adventurers were more than willing to give it to them, and give it to them they did. Taytay used her last spell slot to bring out a freakin’ tentacle show that will make even Cthulhu proud.

Suffice to say at this juncture. The adventurers are tired, hungry and exhausted (Again). But there is a ritual that is not willing to wait. So the party pushed forth. Though sure that the boss battle is in the second floor (where else?) the adventurer in us can’t seem to let go of rooms we haven’t investigated. (That’s RPG built into our DNA.) Every room must be searched, every closet must be opened, every drawer must be swiped clean, and every pot must be broken. 

As the only character holding the butlers ring, Tarou opened the last room thinking there’s treasure inside (boiing!). There indeed was something inside, not treasures, but a large (Obedias claimed it was a beholder) monster in dire need of the big ass bath towel. It also has tentacles much uglier than Taytay’s but still hurts the same. And everyone was in horror as the DM deals natural 20’s upon natural 20’s for that monster (I think there were actually 3 in total but we already lost count in the reversed euphoria). 

Finally, maybe in exhaustion, maybe in sheer dumb luck, maybe in the nth arrow from Obedias, maybe from the last acid bottle of Benby. The adventurers finally killed off the beholder/water monster/tentacle monster and finally proceeded going upstairs. The adventurers agreed to investigate 2 rooms in the right side of the second floor first before making the last short rest. 

What a loaded idea crap that was.

The second room seemed innocent enough, 5 human sized tables with pieces of bodies in it. (At this point, the horror bar is considerably much higher). Windows or pieces of windows still hung from their metal seems while the general air atmosphere in the room smelled burned, In the darkness a couple of spider webs surrounds the far corner of the room but no signs of life can be noticed. Obedias ever the rogue, sees a shining gleam on top of the closest table but before he was able to get a closer look and without warning, a Golem, A real sized Golem with a mustache (Lucien Falinescu, father of Isabella) attacked the adventurers head on. 

The Golem lunges forth on Tarou which he successfully parried with his giant pole-arm while Ozymandias managed to shield bash his ass in the ground and starts whacking a mole on the Golem's smug face. Obedias however, noticed that it doesn't seem to get hurt no matter how many times Ozy bitch-slap its chin with it. He then grabbed Tarou's Whip of Warning and this seem to unsettle the Golem a bit. Turning its bright red eyes on the little-halfling-that-could it grabbed Obedias by the feet and tried to carry it. At this point, Taytay threw a lightning spell on it which in some sinister way, made the Golem much more stronger (que music wekwekwek....). The Golem ignored all the wrestling prowess of Ozymandias, the acid of Benby and even the pointed arrows of Gwyzsar and started to throw down Obedias on the alter. At this point, Obedias rolled a (you guessed it!) a Natural 20 to stay in the Golem's Grip. Like a little King Kong on the Golem's empire state building. A few more whacks on the Whip by Tarou and acid by Benby and the Golem finally dissolved into a pile of heated mess.

As the adventurers prepared to take a short breather before the final boss fight (how many freakin boss fight should there be in one mansion??) murmurs that awfully sounds like chants emanating from the room beside this one. Seeing no way to rest while awkwardly listening beside a horror ritual taking place beside it. Tarou says fuck it and entered gangster style in the boss room of the house.

What the commander immediately sees inside is Glovia, clearly performing a ritual similar to a pray-over breakfast at some secret retreat, together with a bodyguard ghoul nearby. The room is somewhat full of candlelights and the smell carries of old mildew and of even more rotten flesh. On one table lies a heavily decomposed body of a little girl and in another, the body of Sorina. Glovia stops the chanting immediately and nonchalantly welcomed the adventurers in her sleek noble way (too beautiful still). But not before throwing in a large smoke fog which engulfed the entrance of the room. Ozymandias, clearly not a very patient man entered the fray and shield bashed the ghoul nearby. What happens next is an event which players will continue to speak in hush tones for a very long time. The mythical double 20's natural roll. 

Advantage roll double 20's

No matter, after a few turns where the adventurers gave Glovia and her minion everything they have left, Glovia starts channeling her inner bitch deamons. Obedias, ever the sly rogue, suddenly had one of his better ideas of the evening and raced up to Sorina's unconscious body, placed a dagger on her neck and declared "I will kill her if you don't stop this madness" taken aback by the treat and seeing her plans going down the drain. She tried to race inside the dense fog to plot her escape. In that instant, Tarou kept on swinging his pole-arm and with disadvantage (DISADVANTAGE!) manages to hit Glovia squarely in the temples causing her to roll around like a rag doll and die.

At this juncture, we managed to save the unconscious Sorina and  just then, Isabella reappeared to us as who she really was, a beautiful and innocent little child who thank us for doing what we did. If there's any consolation for the adventurers, for Obedias in particular, it was that they were able to save a soul in this dark forsaken sorry excuse of a world that is Barovia. 

I hope this adventure report was satisfactory. It has been a long time since I last wrote something creatively. Don't worry, I will hopefully get better in time with practice and patience.

In my defense, what does a half orc know? right?

Till next time.

Richie King     DCI# 6115957596

Monday, July 18, 2016

Shakey's and Twenties

We earned and christen the name Shakey' and Twenty's for our group's uncanny knack for getting natural 20's on natural rolls. (The normal is 5% but I swear we get an average of 20%-30% including the freakin DM) and that once in a lifetime event of getting a free Pizza from Shakey's due for it arriving two hours late. I never had free Pizza that way in my entire life, and I am thankful that I can share that experience with these awesome adventurers. 

This blog is for all our exploits. 

so here goes nothing...



Taytay                             Human Charlatan Worlock
Gutts                               Gnome Barbarian
Capt. Sven Rhojaz          
Commander Tarou       Human Fighter Cleric
Gwyszar                          Drow Ranger
Obedias Sin                    Halfling Rogue
Celes Adelaide               Wood Elf Ranger
Aramil                             Hige Elf Enchanter
Benby                              High Elf Sorcerer
Nezz                                Dwarf Barbarian
Ozymandias                   Half Orc Fighter Pirate