Tuesday, July 26, 2016

PC Profile: Benby Songbrook - the High Elf Sorcerer

Benby Songbrook the High Elf Sorcerer 
Male high elf wild mage sorcerer 5
Age 125 Size Medium Height 5'11" Weight 158 lbs
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic. Background: Soldier. Faction: Harpers
AL CG HD 5 (1d6) hp 32
Initiative +2 Speed 30 ft. AC 12 (unamored)
Proficiency bonus +3

Abilities: Str 8 (-1) Dex 15 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 13 (+1) Wis 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)

Melee: longsword (atk +1, dmg 1d8-1 / 1d10-1 slashing), dagger (finesse, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 piercing).

Ranged: sling (range 30/120, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 bludgeoning), dagger (range 20/60, atk +4, dmg 1d4+4 piercing).

Saving throws: Str-1 Dex+2 Con+4 Int+1 Wis+0 Cha+4

Racial features: Darkvision 60', immune to magical sleep, advantage with save vs. charm, trance (4 hours),
Class and background features: Spellcasting, wild magic surge, tides of chaos, military rank
Weapon proficiency: Longsword, shortsword, longbow, shortbow, dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Armor proficiency: None
Tool proficiency: Dragon dice, land vehicles
Feats: Empower spell, twin spell, healer

Spell slots: 4 / 3 / 2
Spells known:
Cantrips - acid splash, poison spray, chill touch, mage hand, true strike, light (Int)
1st - magic missile, burning hands, witch bolt
2nd - web, enhance ability
3rd - fireball
Spell save DC: 13 (8 + proficiency bonus + Cha modifier)
Spell attack modifier: +5
Sorcery points: 5
Metamagic feats: empower spell (cost: 1 sorcery points), twin spell (cost: sorcery points equal to spell level)

Equipment: longsword, daggers (x3), sling (with 20 bullets), arcane focus (wand), healer's kit (8 uses), dungeoneer's pack, insignia of rank, Harper pin, bone dice, one set of common clothes, belt pouch (238 gp, 11 sp), two toy soldiers (one with a missing head).
Background and tactics:

Belbenthalas Songbrook looks somewhat large for a full-blooded elf. He stands 5'11", weighs around 160 lbs, has pale skin and blond hair. People meeting Benby for the first time are drawn to his eyes, which are deep green orbs flecked with gold. He dresses more like a merchant than either a soldier or a mage.

Benby was born into a well-to-do family, a long and accomplished line of military men and women. He says he is a descendant of the Golden General, Lauralanthalasa "Laurana" Kanan, and is the reason he is attracted to the military and adventuring life. Despite his youth and lack of physical training, Benby secured an officer-level position in an elite elven army team with the help of his parents' connections. He thinks he is better at the longsword than he really is. And although he is a talented spellcaster, his reputation is due largely to the surges of wild magic that arise whenever he casts his more advanced spells. During his first mission, he led a troop of arcane archers and was ambushed by four giants. He cast witch bolt and missed, but it triggered his wild magic surge which killed all the giants in a spectacular fusillade of lightning bolts from the sky. He was quick to take credit for this outcome, of course.

During his last mission, he led a troop of elven fighter-mages to rescue a team of healers from a gang of bandits. He cast burning hands as his troop descended on the bandits' camp, but this triggered a chain of wild magic surges that killed everyone--bandits, soldiers, healers, and innocent forest creatures--except Benby, who arrived home with skin a vibrant shade of blue.

Nowadays, Benby is brooding and withdrawn and struggles with anxiety and self-doubt. During encounters, he usually hangs back and lets the sturdier fighters engage the opponents in melee. He prefers using his acid splash, poison spray, and magic missile spells in the relative safety of the sidelines. He casts empowered witch bolt and fireball spells on particularly powerful opponents, but becomes visibly nervous when the wind picks up around him, fearing another wild magic surge.

*image https://www.pinterest.com/pin/546061523542753237/*

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